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Questbridge National College Match Program

QuestBridge, a non-profit organization that connects high-achieving, low-income students from across the country with educational opportunities at partner colleges and universities. 

Through their National College Match Program, Questbridge helps outstanding low-income high school seniors gain admission and full four-year scholarships to some of the nation's most selective colleges. . QuestBridge's partner colleges offer generous financial aid packages that cover 100% of demonstrated financial need, making them very affordable for low-income students. In 2012, QuestBridge's partner colleges offered admission and more than $100 million in financial aid to over 2,000 students who applied to the National College Match.

QuestBridge takes all of the following factors into account when evaluating an application for the National College Match:

  • Academic Achievement 
  • Financial Need Personal 
  • Circumstances

College Match finalists typically come from households earning less than $60,000 annually for a family of four, and often less than $50,000.

The deadline is September 27, 2013.

If you are a student who has achieved academic excellence in the face of economic challenges, we encourage to apply for this incredibly opportunity. BTHS students have received this scholarship before, you could be the next!

Visit QuestBridge.org to learn more

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