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Entries in Opportunities (66)


Boston University Trustee Scholars Program



Boston University’s most prestigious merit-based award recognizes students who show outstanding academic and leadership abilities. Trustee Scholars are intellectually and creatively adventurous and demonstrate viewpoints, experiences or achievements beyond the usual. They are, in other words, not just top students, but extraordinary people.  At BU, scholars also become part of a unique campus community that offers many intellectual, cultural, and social opportunities

While the competition is especially rigorous, the benefits are considerable. A Trustee Scholarship covers full undergraduate tuition plus the University orientation and mandatory undergraduate student fees and is renewable for four years if certain criteria are met.

How To Apply:

To apply to become Biotechnology High School’s Trustee Scholarship Nominee, you must submit an essay of 600 words or less in response to one of the following topics.

Essays are due to in Mr. Brown’s mailbox by 2:30 pm on Monday, November 18. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

Trustee Scholarship Essay Prompts:

(1) Recent disclosures have revealed that the US government maintains a database that logs all American telephone calls and actively collects the contents of large numbers of domestic and foreign emails. National security officials have testified that these once-secret programs have disrupted more than 50 “potential terrorist events.” The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a suit against the Obama administration demanding an end to this surveillance, contending that it “gives the government a comprehensive record of our associations and public movements, revealing a wealth of detail about our familial, political, professional, religious, and intimate associations.” In your opinion, what are the considerations in determining how much domestic surveillance is warranted to prevent possible terrorist attacks? Do you agree with the ACLU’s position or that of the government? Where do you draw the line regarding data collection and when this should be prohibited?

(2) According to Dr. Francis Collins, head of the Human Genome Project, scientists will soon be able to perform genetic testing to determine an individual’s likelihood of developing 25 major diseases such as cancer, arterial sclerosis, and diabetes. Similar in-vitro testing will be available as well, permitting parents to know the probability of debilitating—as well as “undesirable”—traits in fertilized eggs before they are implanted in the womb. What are the arguments against making such information widely available? Do you agree or disagree with these arguments?

(3) Responding to the overwhelming amount of facts, information, and opinions that come to us through our electronic devices, the author Pico Iyer has written: “The only way to do justice to our onscreen lives is by summoning exactly the emotional and moral clarity that can’t be found on any screen.” Do you agree with this statement? Why?



New Jersey Shout Down Drugs! 2014 High School Music Competition 

*CAS Opportunity*

Created in 2005, New Jersey Shout Down Drugs challenges high school students to create original music and lyrics with powerful substance abuse prevention messages to allow teens to deliver the prevention message to each other through their favorite medium of music. County Finalists are chosen by peer judges to perform their original songs at the Annual Statewide Prevention Concert, held in May, at a state-of-the-art venue. First, second and third place winners are chosen by a panel of judges that night to receive music contracts worth $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 respectively to perform their winning songs at different events throughout the state during the year. Through this website the public is invited to vote for their favorite songs by participating in two phases of online voting. Since 2010, when the online voting began, hundreds of thousands of votes have been cast.

Deadline: January 15, 2014

Website: http://www.shoutdowndrugs.com/


Verizon Innovative App Challenge 

*CAS Opportunity*

The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is an exciting, creative and collaborative competition that offers $20,000 grants for winning middle schools and high schools and Samsung Galaxy Tabs for students on the winning teams. Designed to ignite students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), the Challenge shows students exciting new possibilities for their futures, opening doors they may never have known were there.

Submission Deadline: December 3, 2013

To learn more, visit: http://appchallenge.tsaweb.org/


Medical Explorers Program

If you are a teen considering a career in health care or medicine, Jersey Shore University Medical Center's Medical Explorers is a great way to learn what it takes. The Medical Explorers Program is part of the Boy Scouts of America, and is run by Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

Medical Exploring helps teens decide if a health care career fits into their future. They learn about a variety of health care careers, and hear from health care professionals who are experienced in their field. Additionally, they learn about preparing for a career, the educational requirements, salary ranges, and the benefits and rewards of the position. In addition, they participate in hands-on activities designed to familiarize students with a specific aspect of medicine.

Exploring programs are based on five areas of emphasis:

  • Career Opportunities 
  • Life Skills 
  • Citizenship 
  • Character Education 
  • Leadership Experience 

Program Qualification

Students ages 14-20 who are interested in health care careers are eligible to join Jersey Shore University Medical Center's Medical Explorers Program.

In order to join Medical Explorers, students must:

  • Be a high school student between the ages of 14 and 20 
  • Pay the $35 joining fee (includes Boy Scout dues and scrubs) 
  • Attend a volunteer orientation session 


Meetings consist of presentations by physicians, health care workers, tours within the hospital, and off-site visits. Efforts are made to provide a hands-on experience, rather than a lecture setting. Our goal is to provide a learning experience, while having fun. Explorers are required to attend monthly meetings.The program operates on an academic calendar, with monthly meetings from September to May. Meetings are conducted by Medical Explorer student leaders, and feature a variety of health care professionals as guest speakers. The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.

For more information, call 732-776-3434


Women in Engineering Day at Northeastern University - October 25

Women in Engineering Day is an all day event for high school girls and their parents to find out more about Northeastern's enginnering program. This year it is scheduled for Friday, October 25, 2013. The day starts out with a Welcome Continental breakfast, several information presentations, and a student panel of engineering women ready to answer all of your questions. Over lunch, meet their Admissions, Financial Aid, and Residential Life staff. The afternoon includes visits to their engineering research facilities with lots of fun activities; and the day ends with an optional campus tour. For more information or to reserve a spot, please e-mail Rachelle Reisberg at r.reisberg@neu.edu by October 18th.